Thursday, July 21, 2011

This is a design i did in 2010. I wanted to try something new as most of my designs for that year had been very illustrative. I wanted to play with grunge style but keeping the bright colours that i like to work with.

Monday, July 18, 2011


This was a photograph i took in 2008 in a nightclub. With the right lighting i was able to capture the purple colour and the reflection on the bar.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

To have an to hold

This is a bunch of designs i did for a wedding last year. It was a vintage theme wedding. The same style has been used throughout (gift boxes, invitations, place cards etc. I also took the photos of the rings. Unfortunately the roses had started to wilt because of the heat.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Xenharmonics is a festival of microtonal works featuring conventional instruments exploring harmonic terrain.

My catalogue/poster design was designed to show the fun in the festival using bright colours to do this. The layout is set out in a way that once its folded it becomes a catalogue and when unfolded it becomes a poster.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Slurpee for MTV

This was designed for the Slurpee for MTV competition in 2009. My work was featured on the MTV website and was rewarded a highly commended and my work was displayed in their exhibition.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Stars of the Future

This is a brochure that was designed for the 2010 TAFE excellence awards. I wanted this to remain a little corporate while injecting some fun. I have kept the idea of 'Stars' with adding the star details to make a shooting star effect.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

& they say

This is something i did over the weekend. I have used a piece of timber, nails and string to make a 3d "&".

I have a love for typography and especially the "&" symbol.


I have sat down tonight and thought i might start a blog. So... welcome.

I will be uploading both old and new work and things that inspire me.

I hope you enjoy.